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Raw Packet VS TCP packet

Comaparison of Raw Packet VS TCP packet To send the raw packet I will be using hping. First create a small file, say a file with just one line “ABCDEF”. Send this file to another host on raw-IP. I create a file called task2a.txt and wrote the text “ABCDEF”. I then sent this file twice using hping to the host in raw IP format using -0 switch in a packet with 80 bytes of data.

Comparison of ICMP payloads

Payload of a Linux Ping(ICMP) VS Windows Ping Linux Ping In this capture I am filtering for traffic with the ubuntu server IP and for ICMP traffic. I am also filtering out SSH traffic as I remotely access all my Linux boxes via SSH and do not want to be bombarded with SSH packets in the TCPdump output. As you can see the linux(Ubuntu Server) ping contains special characters and numbers.

Building OSPF Network

Introduction NOTE: all files can be found here This post will detail the configuration of a multi network topology that is shown below. This topology incudes multiple subnets and Frame Relay. For this post I will be creating a topology with the following requirements: All routers will be configured with appropriate hostnames and MOTD banners. DNS lookup should be disabled and messages prevented from interrupting CLI input. All routers will be secured with passwords, AAA authentication and all unused network services will be disabled.

Building a server for FreeNAS

Building a cheap and quiet home server. Introduction In this post I am going to go through configuring a home server. The server I built is a Dell T20. I choose the Dell T20 for the following reasons: It was quiet. Inexpensive to buy. Easy to work with. Inexpensive to run. It fitted my needs. I managed to find my server on Ebay for under €300.

Telnet Vs SSH

For this tutorial i will be using a few Virtual machines with the Linux distro Kali as the OS. From this post you will learn why to use SSH over Telnet. Telnet First of all you will need to start the telnet daemon (telnetd) on the server using the following command as telnet is disabled by default. /etc/init.d/rlinetd restart Now start a capture of the network interface on the telnet server using wireshark.

Getting started with TCP DUMP

For this tutorial I will be using a few Virtual machines with the Linux distro Kali as the OS. TCP DUMP FIrst of all check what version of TCP DUMP you have using the command below tcpdump -V Nows to see all interfaces on the device. Use the “-D” flag. tcpdump -D To capture packets on an interface use the command below. As you can see in the screen shot I am capturing packets on the loopback interface, while pinging the loopback address of 127.

Remote admin of Linux Servers

Installing SSH Server and Configuring. First of all we must be root user and have all the packages updated. Step 1. Enter SU Mode or root user. Step 2. Update Packages. Step 3. Installing SSH Server. Now that we have the latest packages we can proceed to install SSH server. To install SSH Server run the following cmd. apt-get install openssh-server You will be prompted to with the below warning.

Getting started with Git

Before we starting on the more advance elements of git, please make sure you have completed steps 1-4. Step 1. Install Install GIT Step 2. Intialize Git First of all go to the folder you want git to manage. use the “git init” command. git init The “git init” command creates an empty git repository in the current directory Step 3. Configure Git Gto configure git with yoyr name and email, you can use the commands below.

Administration Users/Groups on Linux Servers

Creating and Administrating Users/Groups In this blog I will make user’s and groups. I will then show how we can add users to groups. Since we usually have many services running on the server’s we will need add a layer of security to the services. This layer of security is called the principle of least privilege. To add this layer, we will add each user to an alias and give members of that alias only the privileges they require.

Enter Super user mode

Entering SU mode or root user Open a terminal window. Entering SU mode will save you time entering “sudo” in front of all cmds. Step 1. To enter SU mode, enter the following cmd. Sudo su Step 2. You will then be prompted for the SU password. Enter the password for the admin user and press return. Now you will see that the command line has changed from